Three women sat at a table, talking

The facts about ageism

Get to know the facts about ageism and how it affects different parts of our lives.

  • More than 40% of people have never really thought about ageism before
  • 1 in 10 people believe that ageism doesn’t exist
  • Over half the public believes UK society is ageist
  • Half of people worry about getting older - and one in five worry about it often
  • Over half of people think older people are less visible in society
  • Fewer than a third of the general public think that the treatment of older people is good
  • 1 in 3 people think older age is characterised by frailty, vulnerability and dependency
  • Just 2.5% of older people (aged 65 and over) live in care homes, yet the public thinks it’s 25%
  • Children as young as three begin to develop stereotypes about older people
  • Older applicants are less likely to be hired, and once employed, less likely to receive training
  • 1 in 3 people aged over 50 believe they have been turned down for a job because of their age
  • 1 in 5 employers believe that age discrimination occurs in their organisation
  • Older adults are the most likely to volunteer, vote and provide unpaid care, alongside their contributions to the economy as workers and consumers
  • 1 in 5 older people live in poverty, yet the idea of the rich baby boomer remains common in the media
  • Older consumers are responsible for half of all household spending, yet businesses do not adequately serve this market in terms of products, services or advertising
  • 4 in 5 people aged over 55 say their favourite retail brand no longer understands them or their needs
  • Stereotypes, including that depression is normal in older age, lead to older people with common mental health conditions (such as anxiety and depression) being less likely to be offered talking therapies than younger people, but more likely to be on anti-depressants
  • Older people have been found to be systematically excluded from health research, despite many conditions being more common in older age
  • People with a negative idea about later life might delay seeking medical help for a health issue if they consider health issues to be a normal part of ageing
  • UK media is among the most ageist. A study of the use of language related to older age in web-based magazines and newspapers found that of 20 countries, the UK was the most ageist of all
  • Just 1 in 4 TV ads feature characters aged 50 or older and one in 20 feature characters aged 70 or older
  • 4 in 5 advertising professionals think their industry is seen as ageist

* Ageism is the most widespread form of discrimination: anyone can experience it. However, the probability of being discriminated against is higher for people with other particular protected characteristics including ethnicity, religion, and sexual orientation