Contact us


15 Alfred Place 

You can contact the Age Without Limits campaign in the following ways: 

For general enquiries 


Telephone: 020 3829 0113

Please note that Age Without Limits doesn't provide any services and is unable to offer individuals advice. For details of organisations who can help you with specific questions and queries, please see our FAQ page. 

For media enquiries 

Telephone: 07795 620 698 


For speaking opportunities

We frequently speak to various organisations and groups about ageism and how to challenge it. Would you like us to speak at your event, conference or meeting? Email us at to tell us more and we’ll be in touch (however please note that we are a small team and so unfortunately cannot meet every request).

Share your story 

If you would like to share your experiences of ageism for use in our campaign, we'd love to hear from you. 

Become a campaign supporter 

You’ll receive a regular newsletter with the latest news about our work and opportunities to get involved in the campaign

You can also use the form below to get in touch


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